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Top 50 Best Action Adventure Games Like Zelda

Title banner for the list of the top 50 best action adventure games like Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda was an absolute landmark in the action adventure genre. This game had you play as a lone character on a medieval fantasy quest where you slash enemies with your sword, collect tools, and solve puzzles. With it’s immense success the tide soon came in with a sea of copycats. With so many releases it’s tough to weed out the good ones especially covering such a vast span of time. I’m a huge fan of the genre and that’s why today I’ve sat down to highlight the top 50 best action adventure games like Zelda. I’m still discovering new ones every day so the list is prone to change. I still get excited whenever a new one releases or someone brings to my attention an older but lesser known game. Before we start the list of the best Zelda clones I’m going to highlight a few rules.

  • This list is of the best action adventure games. I’m including Zelda titles here because it would be utterly incomplete without them.
  • A few of the titles can be considered more action RPG than pure action adventure. As long as it plays like the Legend of Zelda for the most part I’ve included it here.
  • Obviously I haven’t played all, or even most action adventure games ever released. Also, my opinion often changes on the subject. This list is prone to be changed or edited.

And without further adieu, these are the top 50 best action adventure games like Zelda. As Mario might say, here we go!

Front cover for Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo Gamecube.

#50. – Star Fox Adventures

Originally conceived as an original title, the developer Rareware had to shoehorn in Star Fox characters at the request of Nintendo. It also suffered from a platform change from the Nintendo 64 to the Gamecube which didn’t really do it any favors. Despite these issues Star Fox Adventures is still one of the best action adventure games like Zelda. Here you play as Fox McCloud who is on foot this time around and armed with a staff. You have an overworld to explore as well as characters with which you can interact. Unfortunately the action quickly devolves into fetch quests, but the dungeons are fun and well designed. Combat feels a lot like that of Ocarina of Time with a similar targeting system in place. I wish Rare had been allowed to see their vision to completion, but regardless, Star Fox Adventures is one of the best Zelda clones.

Front cover for Neutopia for the TurboGrafx-16.

#49. – Neutopia

If it looks like Zelda, and quacks like Zelda, it’s clearly a Zelda clone. Neutopia fits this description to a tee. From screenshots you could almost mistake it for the real thing. It’s a tile based action adventure title where you journey across an overworld fending off foes with your sword and various tools. The latter come especially in handy because you must enter deep and dark dungeons complete with puzzles and rooms full of enemies. Generally the way to go forward is fairly easy to figure out, and when in doubt just kill everything in the room or push blocks. This is definitely one of the best Zelda clones because it sticks so closely to the source material. Neutopia doesn’t really do anything new. That’s not a problem because it’s one of the best action adventure games of all time. It also helps that it has an amazing soundtrack.

Front cover for the Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures for the Nintendo Gamecube.

#48. – The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

It’s not the game Zelda fans wanted following the Wind Waker, but I’ll be darned if it isn’t still one of the best action adventure games of all time. This is more of a side game truth be told and focuses on an aspect rarely explored in the genre; multiplayer. You can up to three other friends play as differently colored Links in a top down adventure that’s far from traditional. The game requires the use of the Game Boy Advance and link cable with each separate display being used for whenever you enter caves or other areas of dungeons. It’s a unique premise and the best realization of the connectivity between the two systems, but it makes the barrier of entry rather expensive. I really love the puzzles in this one. Many areas require fine tuned co-op skills as you work together to get past most of the obstacles.

Front cover for James Bond 007 for the Nintendo Game Boy.

#47. – James Bond 007

No, I’m not mistaken including this one, nor is it out of place on a list of the best action adventure games. This was a companion title of sorts to Goldeneye 007, but is still to this day a Game Boy exclusive. You play as James Bond who must complete a variety of different objectives. So how is this one of the best Zelda clones, you may ask? You view the action from a top down perspective and explore a variety of different environments. Instead of a sword James is armed with firearms, and despite this gameplay still feels very reminiscent of Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Heck, you even get a shield later on in the game. James Bond 007 might be a bit of a turn-off because of the license and all, but believe you me when I say it strangely fits.

Front cover for Dark Savior for the Sega Saturn.

#46. – Dark Savior

This little known Sega Saturn exclusive is a spiritual successor to Landstalker on the Genesis. It uses the same isometric perspective and 2D sprites, and gameplay is very similar. This is an action adventure title where your main weapon is a sword. Unfortunately there are a lot of platforming elements as well. This is an issue because of the camera angle which makes jumping difficult to do with any amount of accuracy. The genre even splits into more of a fighting game in some sections which is neat and mixes up the action. Dark Savior is a bit unwieldly but stick with it and you’ll get used to it’s nuances in no time. It’s definitely one of the best action adventure games like Zelda in my opinion. A straight up clone however it is not, but that works to it’s benefit.

Front cover of Napple Tale for the Sega Dreamcast.

#45. – Napple Tale: Arsia in Daydream

If I’m being honest this one is as bit of a stretch to be included on this list. Truth be told Napple Tale is more of a platformer than anything else. It has just BARELY enough common conventions in the genre for me to call it an action adventure title. It’s definitely not a Zelda clone, that’s for sure. Regardless, Napple Tale plays has you playing as the character Arsia who travels across various musical themed worlds dispatching foes and solving light puzzles. It’s nothing groundbreaking but the Sega Dreamcast was lacking in these titles so it was a welcome addition to the lineup. Unfortunately Napple Tale was only ever released in Japan, but it’s easy enough to import at this point. There’s even a translation available. If you’re looking for one of the best action adventure games you could do a lot worse.

Front cover for Threads of Fate for the Sony PlayStation.

#44. – Threads of Fate

Squaresoft really knocked it out of the park in terms of original games during the 32-bit era. They also experimented in a great number of different genres. Threads of Fate was one of their forays into the world of Zelda clones, and it’s definitely one of the best action adventure games of all time. I really like the fact that you can choose to play as two different characters right from the start. What’s more is that they have very different abilities. One can transform into monsters and use their abilities while the other attacks with rings and spells. The game uses mostly an overhead camera perspective which shifts inside of dungeons as well as during boss fights. This makes excellent use of the 3D graphics engine and keeps the action fresh. Threads of Fate remains mostly forgotten, but it’s definitely one of the best Zelda clones.

Front cover for Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas for the PlayStation Vita.

#43. – Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas

Mobile gamers have often requested hardcore experiences from their favorite genres. In this case of Oceanhorn it genuinely feels like the developer set out to make a Zelda clone with the purist of intentions. The game looks and feels like a new installment in the aforementioned series. Case in point; you use a sword, throw pots, and explore an overworld filled with dungeons requiring you to solve simple puzzles and fight enemies. Your main means of travel across the world map is by ship for crying out loud. It may be a Zelda clone, but it’s a good one. Luckily Oceanhorn has since been released on multiple platforms so you aren’t stuck using the old touch screen controls many loathe. In my opinion it’s not only one of the best Zelda clones, but also one of the best action adventure titles ever released.

Front cover for Neutopia II for the TurboGrafx-16.

#42. – Neutopia II

Just like the first Neutopia this sequel could easily be mistaken for the original Legend of Zelda at a glance. It’s an overhead perspective action adventure title where you dispatch foes with your handy sword, and use various tools to solve puzzles within dungeons. There’s also a sprawling overworld where you can find villages, caves, and of course, monsters. Combat is simple in principle and you can avoid most enemy attacks. The major upgrade is the environmental hazards. These have a much bigger presence and really mix things up inside the dungeons. While the graphics have been upgraded quite a bit the soundtrack unfortunately isn’t as catchy. The puzzles have been slightly improved but rarely require more than pushing a block or defeating all foes in a room. Neutopia II is definitely one of the best Zelda clones. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel and sticks to what works.

Front cover for Final Fantasy Adventure for the Nintendo Game Boy.

#41. – Final Fantasy Adventure

The naming convention used here is a bit confusing. This is actually the first game in the Seiken Densetsu series (Mana as it’s known here). It was renamed Final Fantasy Adventure because FF was already somewhat established in the West. Final Fantasy Adventure is a title released for the original Game Boy. It’s a top down action adventure title that like so many others on this list is highly reminiscent of the Legend of Zelda. The difference here is that it has a lot of RPG trappings. You gain experience points to level up, purchase items in shops, equip a variety of different weapons, and more. What’s unique is that it uses a charge meter to determine the power of your attacks. Seiken Densetsu has been remade multiple times but it’s this Game Boy version that I consider to be one of the best action adventure games of all time.

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Lifelong gamer and movie addict. I started playing with the original Nintendo but quickly fell in love with the arcades as well! It was the SNES that really cemented this as a long term hobby and the rest is history! I'm a former writer at the website Epinions.com and started this blog as a response to that closing down. I have a lot of retro video game knowledge and wanted to share it. That's where you all come in!

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