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Top 10 Best JRPGs for iPhone and Android

With the advent of smartphones the first thing I was left wondering was what type of games would flourish on the platform. The classic role playing game has been my favorite genre, but it’s one that I didn’t imagine would find a home on the mobile platforms. Boy was I wrong. Big developers such as Square-Enix announced immediate support and used the platform to port and remake their older titles. Other developers jumped on-board, several of which made entirely original games. I’ve had both an iPhone, and an Android with various tablets between the two platforms. Today I thought it would be fun to write about what I think are the best JRPGs for iPhone and Android phones. Before we start, let’s go over a couple of things I kept in mind while drafting this list:

  • Games get higher kudos from me if they’re ports/remakes that add a lot of new stuff to the game.
  • This list is going to be entirely ports/remakes. It wasn’t planned that way it’s just my preference.
  • I certainly haven’t played every JRPG for the platforms so your favorite might be missing. Don’t take it personally!

With that out of the way let’s get started with the list. Here are the best role playing games for iPhone/Android!

Title screen banner for Monster Hunter Stories on iPhone.

#10. – Monster Hunter Stories

Monster Hunter Stories was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS, but soon after release it was ported to both iPhone and Android platforms. This side-game in the popular franchise moves the action from real-time to strictly turn based. In it you hatch monsters from eggs, and then fight alongside them in your quest to become the very best. It’s part Pokemon and part Dragon Quest, but it’s all parts fun. I consider this one of the best iPhone/Android games because of how amazing the port is. The graphics have been stepped up a great deal and it finally runs at a decent frame rate here. Monster Hunter Stories is well worth checking out, and a lot of fun to play on the go.

Title cover for Adventures of Mana for iPhone/Android.

#9. – Adventures of Mana

Out of the gates I’ve noticed there’s a lot of confusion surrounding this title. What we have here is a 3D remake of Final Fantasy Adventure, which was the original Mana installment renamed for North American audiences. Regardless, this was the first time that the adventure was available in 3D. It’s a very basic action RPG (the only one of it’s kind that you’ll find on this list) and is very faithful to the original Game Boy game from which it is based. There aren’t any complicated systems to deal with, and you’ll be able to jump right in with little preparation. That’s why I like it; in an age with a lot of superfluous features Adventures of Mana sticks to the basics. This one scores so high because it’s only also available on the PlayStation Vita, but no one owned that system.

Title screen for Final Fantasy Tactics on iPhone/Android.

#8. – Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

I actually was really torn on whether or not Final Fantasy Tactics should make the list. You see, I was never the biggest fan of this game. It was a side-game in the franchise in that it was a tactical RPG instead of being a traditional one. Final Fantasy Tactics was based more on Tactics Ogre than it was on previous installments. The game is still a turn based Japanese RPG, but I’ve always found it highly overrated to be honest. So why did it make the list? Square-Enix did a wonderful job with this port. They enhanced the graphics and took advantage of the high definition display. FF Tactics looks wonderful now, and the controls fit the platform really well. I found it better on the go than glued in front of a television. This game definitely benefits from being on a phone.

Title screen for Chrono Trigger on iPhone and Android.

#7. – Chrono Trigger

I almost didn’t want to include this one on the list. It’s available for other systems, and has only minor upgrades from the original Super Nintendo release. Why Chrono Trigger deserves a place on this list is because it’s such an amazing game. This time traveling story is just as intriguing today as it was at release. The world has some amazing lore and atmosphere with a lot of background information to wrap your mind around. Wrap that up with an incredible battle system. What you have what is easily one of the greatest RPGs of all time regardless of platform. The controls take a little getting used to, but this version of the game has all of the additions of the previous ports. Everyone must play Chrono Trigger, and this is a very decent way to do so.

The title banner for Romancing Saga 2 for iPhone/Android.

#6. – Romancing SaGa 2

Even moreso than the original RPGs I feel the genre has benefited most from previously non-localized games finally being translated. That’s why I love games like Romancing SaGa 2. This was originally a Super Nintendo game and the fifth installment in the SaGa series. Square-Enix completely re-drew the graphics but kept with the 2D sprite style from yesteryear. This is not your typical JRPG. It may be turn based with random battle encounters, but it’s more open than most. You’re kept on task with areas to explore that have monsters you’re not powerful enough to deal with at specific points. It’s a trademark of the series. Romancing SaGa 2 has a good story, fun battle system, and can’t be played in English anywhere else (officially, at least).

Title screen and logo for Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation for iPhone/Android.

#5. – Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Dragon Quest III is my favorite installment in the Dragon Quest series. So why then isn’t this one higher? I couldn’t in good conscious put this one first. It doesn’t feel like quite as at-home on mobile phones as it could have been. What I mean is this one can only be played in portrait mode with controls at the bottom of the screen. This is what Square-Enix has done with the other Dragon Quest ports, but it feels a little clunky to be honest. Despite this the game is still absolutely on-point. This is based off of the Super Nintendo remake and has the same graphic style and features added to it. Dragon Quest III is a basic RPG wherein you wander around a world map containing within it both towns and dungeons. Battles are turn based, and this game is pretty tough. It’s done amazingly well though.

Title screen for the iPhone/Android JRPG Romancing SaGa 3.

#4. – Romancing SaGa 3

If you already saw that Romancing SaGa 2 is on the list then it should come as no surprise that the third installment also was included. That’s because Romancing SaGa 3 tells a more interesting story, and has more refined gameplay to boot. You have eight different characters to choose from. The overarching story is largely the same, but this time you have separate perspectives which greatly adds to the replay value. It still sticks with the conventions of the SaGa franchise with more difficult gameplay than your typical RPG of this era. You’ve got a great turn based battle system with some good characters and fun tactics in play. This is easily one of the best JRPGs on iPhone and Android.

Logo for the iPhone/Android game Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

#3. – Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

I know i’m going to catch a lot of guff for including this one, but I don’t care; the After Years is a great game on mobile. This game was originally released for older cell phones in Japan, and then ported to the Nintendo Wii. Unfortunately Final Fantasy IV: The After Years was marred with graphics that looked like something a basic RPG maker could create. This version of the game uses the same 3D engine as the Final Fantasy IV remake. Everything looks really good, and for the first time the package actually feels like a professional game. It still makes use of the chapter system many didn’t like, but I was fond of. The only thing it’s missing is the polish from the FF4 remake. There are no voice overs or FMV, but I’ll be darned if it isn’t a great take and sequel.

Title cover for the iPhone version of Final Fantasy Dimensions.

#2. – Final Fantasy Dimensions

Again, I’ll probably be hung out to dry for this one, especially for putting it so high up on the list. This was the first original and fully featured Final Fantasy game released for mobile platforms. The graphics are strictly 2D. It doesn’t have the benefit of Nobuo Uematsu doing the soundtrack, but Dimensions feels like it could be a mainline game in the series. It is based off of the job system from Final Fantasy V, but it’s enhanced and more fully realized. You control two different parties through a series of different chapters. The twist is that one party consists of the warriors of light, and the other of darkness. They have different jobs available to them, and this is one of the most interesting mechanics introduced to the series in a long time.

The title cover screen for Lunar the Silver Star Story Touch for iPhone/Android.

#1. – Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch

The original Lunar was released for Sega CD, and then remade for the PS1. This ‘Touch’ version is based on the latter, but with enough of its own stuff to warrant placing so high on the list. The game tells the charming story of a young man who aspires to adventure like his hero dragonmaster Dyne. He sets out with his friends Luna and Ramus to do so, and gets pulled into a plot to save the entire world. The game has an unusually strong battle system based on placement where the whole battlefield is in play. It also helps that the story and characters are some of the strongest in any JRPG. This enhanced port features enhanced sprite graphics (they look amazing on my iPhone) as well as some of the best touch controls in any mobile JRPG.

And that sums it up for the best JRPGs on iPhone and Android. Agree? Disagree? Please leave comments below!

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