Splatterhouse Series Retrospective

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“So Much Suffering. It’s Beautiful” in HD

Splatterhouse (2010)

Front cover for Splatterhouse 2010 for the Sony PlayStation 3. Front cover for Splatterhouse 2010 for the Xbox 360.

| PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 |

Classic franchise revivals were all the rage in the HD era. Splatterhouse was an interesting choice to say the least. The franchise had remained dormant for over two decades at this point. This was Namco’s chance to return to what made the original releases so good. Instead they tried too hard to make Splatterhouse edgy. They also once again changed genres on us. While there are some clear beat ’em up roots here the gameplay in Splatterhouse is firmly rooted as a hack and slash. This one has more in common with something like God of War than it does with the source material. I was disappointed when I read the previews, but I went in with an open mind. After all, more Splatterhouse can never be a bad thing. Right? Unfortunately this HD sequel sent the franchise back into dormant status.

A side scrolling sequence where Rick is blocked by flames.

I can’t blame Namco for following trends and going with what’s popular. I have a real personal attachment to Splatterhouse however, and to see them go this route left me wanting. This version of Splatterhouse once again returns you to the shoes of Rick. This one starts out as our protagonist’s love interest is interviewing Dr. West. Rick tags along for security, and it’s a good thing because almost immediately things go gunny. She is once again kidnapped by the doctor’s foul creations and it’s up to our dude to rescue her. In a twist to the franchise the death mask now speaks, and he has a lot to say. You’ll find a bunch of profanity laden dialogue between the two characters throughout this adventure. With just about everything you do he has something to say, and honestly it felt a little tryhard in my opinion.

The story sequences, and dialogue are laughably bad. I’d rather forget them to be honest. Gameplay is now fully 3D. As Rick you have your fists with which to send blood spraying in all directions by default. Your basic goal in each area is to defeat all foes, and then move on to the next area. Rinse, lather, and repeat. You can gain the use of weapons which increases Rick’s potential for carnage as per franchise standards. You’ll find this is the bloodiest game in the series. Each strike you make sends blood flying in all directions. It even splatters against the screen. This is a bit over the top in my opinion. Namco was spraying blood and throwing around body parts here just for the sake of trying to seem extreme.

Rick enters a room with a hulking boss wandering around.

Honestly this 2010 rendition of Splatterhouse isn’t very good. It had a lot to live up for, and rather than satiating the classic fans Namco instead attempted to target the new audience. Neither responded particularly well. Gameplay feels remarkably shallow here. You can basically mash buttons to victory, and the difficulty level is geared more toward the new generation. As the first 3D installment in the franchise, as well as the only one available in HD, I’m left disappointed. It’s such a shame Namco decided to kill off Splatterhouse with a revival that feels so pandering. Regardless of whether or not you’re a new or an old fan I just can’t recommend giving this one a go.

Recommended: No

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Lifelong gamer and movie addict. I started playing with the original Nintendo but quickly fell in love with the arcades as well! It was the SNES that really cemented this as a long term hobby and the rest is history! I'm a former writer at the website Epinions.com and started this blog as a response to that closing down. I have a lot of retro video game knowledge and wanted to share it. That's where you all come in!

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